Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fun Night!

We had lots of fun tonight! Mimi & Pa took us out for a chicken dinner and ice cream! Then came back to the house and played outside for the rest of the evening! Fun night! Thanks Mimi & Pa!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Pow-Pow-POWER wheel!

I have been wanting to get Noah a power wheel but never want to spend the money on it! Well, YEAH, for yard sale season starting again! It's definitely been used for some years but it runs pretty good and cost just a couple of dollars! He LOVES it! :)

Sour Patch Kid

So this might be one of those "you had to be there" things, but it was something so funny to me that I wanted to remember. Noah walked over to Terry and hit him...took a couple of steps away...he then immediately, walked back over to him, hugs him and said "awwww". Terry & I just start laughing because Noah has never hit before and it was just so random. Terry looks at me and says "he's a sour patch kid." Hahaha! Ever seen the commercials?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Holding Baby Nora

Noah gets so very excited when Aunt Alicia lets him hold baby Nora! He loves giving her kisses too! Look at these sweet pictures!

This last one is from last week that I somehow missed blogging! So, so sweet!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Noah and I went on the hunt for some worms with his new kit and new boots, while the sun was actually out! He looked hilariously cute with his rain boots, rain jacket, net, bucket and shovel! I thought with all this rain, we could find plenty! Well...umm....not so much! We didn't find one worm! I even used all my strength to pull up our landscape rocks and nothing! Noah kept saying "Worm, where are you?"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rain, Rain...

Rain, Rain - if you won't go away, then be warm enough to play! :) After I went for my run, it started pouring yet again - so Noah & I enjoyed it!

Wake Up!

After all the Easter excitement, being up late and not getting a nap - Noah was wore OUT! I kept checking on his this morning because I was surprised that he wasn't up but he was sleeping hard! So I let him sleep. I eventually fell back to sleep for a while. Woke up and it was 10am! Noah was still asleep. So I went in there and rub his back to wake him. He woke up, looked at me, and then rolled over and went back to sleep! So 15 minutes later, I went in with this....
Noah was hilarious - cracking up, still half asleep with his buddy still in his mouth! He loved it!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter - Part 3: Maw & Paw Nic's House

After we left MawMaw & PawPaw's house, it was time to head to Maw & Paw Nic's house. We went straight into the egg hunt before the rain! First picture is our annual starting line picture of the girls! These girl's are serious about their egg hunting! :)

Pa helped Noah on his hunt!
Aunt Brenda got Noah a dancing/singing Donald Duck! Noah LOVES it!

Noah got lots of fun gifts, including bubbles! He was diving face first into Amber's yummy cupcakes!

On the way home, his sugar high yet again was wonderful entertainment! He has his fingers in his ears here! ha!

Easter - Part 2: MawMaw & PawPaw's House

After church, we headed to MawMaw & PawPaw's house for Easter lunch. We, of course, got some family pictures, ate lunch and had an egg hunt! What a wonderful morning! Noah looks hilarious with his pants rolled up with tennis shoes on in all the pictures, but I didn't want his dress shoes muddy! :) BUT I was so glad we actually ended up with an outside hunt!

My wonderful family! :)

All the girls!

All the boys! Noah is cracking me up!

My sweet baby boy! Ready, Set, Go!

Getting Daddy's help!

One of the many reasons that Noah loves Daniel - he was CRACKING these boys up! I got some wonderful video of their giggles!

Easter - Part 1: At Home On Easter Morning

The Easter bunny came! He left lots of goodies and even left an egg hunt! Noah found the first egg and was pretty content...we basically found the rest! ha!

I think the PJs were his fav!
Healthy breakfast!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I was trying on different outfits on Noah the other day, trying to figure out what I wanted him to wear on Easter. I decided to take a picture of each outfit, so I could look back at them and decide what I liked or if I needed to buy something else. Well, I just had to post some of them because seriously look at this kid CHEESE!!! Every one is different and every one is hilarious!
Well not so much an Easter outfit option, but a big funny CHEESE just the same!

Full Day of Easter Fun!

We had a full day of Easter fun planned today! We were first going to go to an egg hunt but with the crazy, excessive rain, that didn't happen! So we moved on to pretending to be a bunny (ha!), painting easter bunnies and eggs, making bunny cars (thanks to the Davidson's blog!), dying eggs, and preparing dessert for tomorrow! I have to say, I am pooped - and tomorrow is the actual day! ha! We had lots of fun though! Noah loved every bit of it! We ended the day with our Easter books! I can't wait to see Noah reaction in the morning when he sees what that the Easter bunny brought him! :)

Finished products!
Now on to the bunny cars - yep, first one straight to the mouth of course! :)
Now on to eating the other parts, while mommy works!

Now he wants to help! :)Now on to dying eggs! He was so excited! Waiting patiently...

Notice the already cracked egg on the table! First one in his hand, as I was getting ready to explain not to open them..."CRACK!" He was pumped! Haha!