Friday, October 1, 2010


So I have been wanting to blog about this for weeks now. Noah has just blown our minds lately (well actually, he has the last almost 14 months!). His vocabulary has went wild, his interests in books has taken a priority in our everyday lives, and his sweet, sweet little personality is just beaming! Everyday he seems to learn something new. Some things without us even knowning! He picks up on things like glue! For example, on a daily basis, we play with his Alaphabet Einstein Books (because he brings them to me every five seconds! ha!). Anyways, there is a book for each letter with 3 pictures starting with that particular letter. We will hold up 2 pictures and ask him to pick out the "Dog, Cat, Airplane, Shoes, Lemon, Ladybug, Elephants, etc" and he picks the right one almost EVERY single time. He definitely impresses me. When we get to the K for Kiss picture, he always starts blowing kisses. When we get to the L for Lemon picture, he always smacks his lips together and goes "mmmm" because we have given him lemons to eat on a couple of occasions (hilarious, by the way) and really actually enjoys them.

When we say, "let's go on a walk or let's go bye-bye", he grabs his shoes, brings them to me, we put them on and then runs to the door. He does this if he sees me grab my purse too. He goes to the fridge when he wants his milk. He goes to the fridge and points to his yogurt in the mornings. He helps undress himself like a pro. He & Daddy play catch a lot and Noah is good! I say that with all seriousness, he will catch the ball, while standing up, and good 5 feet away. It actually amazes me! I am his Mommy...I am allowed to brag, right?

Some of the many words he says include, though I know I am probably forgetting many: Shoes, Shir (Shirt), Dog, This, That, Ma (Milk), Manny (Handy Manny), Nigh Nigh (Night Night), Hot Dog (When Hot Dog song is on Mickey Mouse), Fish, Bye-Bye, Ba (Ball), Cheese, All da (All done), Mine, MawMaw, PawPaw, Momma, Dada. He is also starting to catch on to animal noises. If you ask him, what does a horsey say? He says "Naa, Naa" (Neigh). What does a cow say "Mmmm" (Moo). What does a bee say "Bzzz". It's simply adorable!

To our sweet Noah,
Mommy & Daddy love you so much and are so very proud of you. You bring an unbelievable amount of joy to our lives. We could never even begin to explain how much we love you, but we will continue to tell you everyday.


JourneyWithTheCrosiers said...

Just wait! Once the vocabulary starts...the real fun begins! So much more fun to actually have a conversation instead of you just talking all the time not knowing if he cares or understands at all! ha!
Smart little Noah!

Jami said...

How sweet! He is at such a fun age right now, it's amazing watching their interest in things take off.