Saturday, November 14, 2009

Our Little Monster!

So here's the story behind this one...the first couple of months of Noah's life were a bit, well let's just say, rough...okay, very rough! One day, during that time, my mom called me to check on me and I quietly answered the phone and said "shhh, the monster is sleeping." My mom laughed histerically and ever since then, he has been our lil monster! Well my mom recently went on a trip and brought back this shirt! SO FUNNY and so cute! Doesn't he look like a scary little monster now?

Even the back of the shirt is adorable!


The Utz Family said...

Too Funny!

ginmommy said...

So cute!!! What a cute little boy you have!!! I too had a monster, I feel your pain!!! Good thing, he's so cute, hugh?? That's what I always used to tell Pierce...