Tuesday, October 6, 2009

2 Month Well Visit & Specialist Visit

After calling the GI doctor almost everyday to see if they had a cancellation and could get us in sooner, they finally did. So on Monday, Noah had a visit with the GI specialist and his pediatrician for his 2 month visit. The GI doctor said that she really did feel as though Noah's problem is silent acid reflux. She took him off his other 2 medications and put him on a different, stronger reflux medicine in hopes that he will react to this one better. So we again are just waiting to see how it goes! Even before the appointment though, he really has been gradually getting better. He does have a lot of happy, content time now. He loves to talk and smile with us and is just as cute as can be!

His 2 month visit went well. He is now 13 lbs 10.5 oz and is 23 1/4 in long. He is in the 90 percentile on weight, 50% on height, and 65% on head. He had to have 2 shots, one in each leg. He didn't care for that much, but didn't do too bad! Dr. Bichir wants us to start feeding him rice cereal with a spoon next month! Overall, besides the terrible tummy issues, he is a healthy, handsome little boy! We love him soooo much!

1 comment:

The Utz Family said...

So glad things are getting better!!