Saturday, July 17, 2010


We finally got the boat out on the lake! It was Noah's first time and it was a very successful trip! After a brief meltdown about having to wear a lifejacket, he had a blast! And so did we! I can't wait for our annual Tennessee boating trip!

We were on our way...
After lunch and lots of playing in the water, Noah had worn himself out! Getting tired....But we went back into the water! And yes, you do see that right! Noah fell asleep in the water! Haha! How funny is that?! It was so cute! I wanted to just hold him out there forever! But my arms got tired...
And into the boat he went...what a good boy!
Time for me to ski!
He had to drive with PawPaw!
On the way home...he looks like he had a good time, don't ya think?!

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