At 11 months, Noah...
- You can say "Momma, Dada, PawPaw, Bye-Bye, Ba-Ba (not sure for what), Uh Oh, No no, and Up"
- You are walking and running around like a champ! Everyone always guesses you are 1 1/2 or 2 yrs old because of your size and how well you walk.
- You have 8 teeth!
- You sign "more" and "all done" at pretty much every meal now
- Wearing mostly 18 months clothes (some bigger), wearing size 5 shoes, and size 4 diapers
- On the home scale, you weigh about 24 lbs
- You love pushing anything! Seriously, it is your favorite pastime right now! It can be your lawnmower, walkers, toys, or shopping carts!
- You love cell phones, remotes, and electronics in general and you get quite mad that you don't get to play with them! But we did give you an old cell phone of ours and you LOVE it!
- Of course, your favorite thing in the world is still Ribbit. He is your buddy!
- If I ask you where Mommy's nose is, you grab it!
- You are great at giving me things when I ask for it, even if it's a bite of your food!
- You are not much into fruits or even sweets right now, but will eat some veggies.
- Your favorite foods right now are cheese, bread, yogurt, oatmeal, turkey, chicken, among others.
- When I give you water and it runs out, you take your cup to the refrigerator and try to reach the water dispenser! Smart boy!
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