I took Noah in for his 18 month well visit this morning. I knew after all his sick visits over the last month that this probably wouldn't be pleasant. I was right...it was nothing less than terrible! As soon as he walked in, the crying began. He screamed in the waiting room just from anticipation. He asked for a sucker in between cries though -
haha! Anyways, I get him into the room and he is just going crazy! I have never seen him cry and scream like he did today. It was awful. So awful that we couldn't get his weight, temp, or any measurements. I was trying everything to calm him, but nothing worked. But then I thought of
MawMaw - she only works a few minutes away, so I called her and she was there in no time! Noah was thrilled to see her walk in and actually did fairly well after that! THANK you Mom for saving the day! We finally got his measurements, his exam, and his one shot. Good thing is that he doesn't have any scheduled appointment until he is 2 and he has no more shots until he is going into kindergarten (except flu shots)! His weight really surprised me because I know he lost weight from all the diarrhea over the last couple of weeks but you would never know it with these stats! He is such a big boy!
Weight: 29 lbs 6 oz - 90
th percentile
Height: 35 in - 95
th percentile
Head: 19.5 in - 80
th percentile
After the appointment, we headed over to Chick-F
il-A! I realized there that I didn't get a picture of him at his appointment, like I always do at every well visit. So I took a couple at the restaurant. He was a happy boy eating his "
kiin"! I love you buddy!

Poor baby! So glad he's a growing healthy boy though!!!
my kids went through a period where they always thought going to the doctor was bad. they just had shots on the brain! a lot of kids get that when they start to associate places with events that happen there. he'll get over that soon!! try buying him a doctor kit and let him play doctor with you. that really helped jackson handle his fear of shots. he would tell us, "it will hurt for a second, but then it will be all over," just like we tell him. now he repeats that to himself before getting his shot to pysch himself up! those appointment will get better!
Kade has had some crazy doctor's appts. Especially after he had to get his ears suctioned out at the ENT. It was all downhill from there. I know it will eventually get better {or at least hoping!}. Noah is getting SO big!
What a big boy! I miss my nephew! Love you, Uncle Chad
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