Saturday, December 4, 2010

Birthday Party!

We went to Kensley's 2nd birthday party tonight! It was lots of fun - Noah had a blast running around and of course, he may have slightly enjoyed the cookies, cake, ice cream, suckers and his goodie bag! Gesh! Happy Birthday Miss Kensley!

Saying "cheese" even with icecream in his mouth! ha! Collecting his loot from the pinata! Afterwards, we had big plans to go to Light Up Jeff and see Santa but I guess the nasty weather scared everyone off because by the time we got there, no one was there, not even Santa! So that was a bust!
But Noah didn't care....obviously! Ha!


ginmommy said...

Does Noah suck on a blankey or animal when he goes to sleep?? Pierce used to do this!!! I've never seen another child do it ;-)

Terry, Leslie, Noah, Allie, Laynie & Gracie said...

Haha, yep! He LOVES him and has to suck on him to fall asleep!

ginmommy said...

That is sooo crazy to me!! I have never seen any other kid do that except mine!! Pierce had his "buddy" for a long time, that thing got nasty!!! HAHA!!! Noah's a cutie!!!

Terry, Leslie, Noah, Allie, Laynie & Gracie said...

OMG I know! His "ribbit" gets so nasty too! I am constantly washing it!!!

Terry, Leslie, Noah, Allie, Laynie & Gracie said...

In fact, we have him 2 identical that one can be in the wash! Haha! :)