Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sleep Over!

Noah had his first sleep over at MawMaw & PawPaw's last night! It was unplanned, but he had a blast! Terry & I were shooting a wedding last night and we ended up being few extra hours because things ran so late! So Noah by the time we were done, Noah was already asleep over there. I didn't want to wake him and we were exhausted, so I thought we would just let him sleepover. I thought it would be nice. Umm, no! I couldn't sleep for anything! I missed my baby! I, of course, knew he was in great hands and that he would be just was me that wasn't! Ha! So this morning, I was up before 6 am wide awake, wondering how long I should wait to wake Terry up and go over there. I waited a little while but when we got over there, everyone was still asleep! Haha! So I made everyone pancakes! I sure missed my baby boy! BUT he had a great time and of course, PawPaw took lots of pictures for me! Thanks for taking WONDERFUL care of my little angel!

Eating pancakes out on the deck! Yum!

1 comment:

Jami said...

Somehow I missed this post from last week. Cooper hasn't spent the night anywhere since last summer. Sometime I lay in bed and can't sleep just thinking about being away from him when we are in the hospital with our new one. I'm like you, I can't sleep as good knowing he isn't here.