Friday, September 11, 2009

Why no blogs!?

Okay, so I wanted to give a quick update on Noah and the reason as to why I haven't been blogging much about my sweet lil boy! Well, we have been spending every waking hour (well, Noah's sleeping hours) either at the doctors or on the phone with doctors, lacatation consultants, other mothers, etc. The first few weeks for Noah were great! He latched on wonderfully and was gaining weight great! He did have some gas that caused him some pain, but it wasn't too bad at first...but things have progressively got worse. Noah screams and cries through almost all his feedings. He would latch on for a few minutes and then just cry with pain. I took him to the doctors and he wasn't gaining what he should, so over the last few weeks, we have tried many, many different things to rule out what the problem is...I cut things out of my diet, tried prescription gas medicine, prescription acid-reflux medicine, tried lactose free formula, tried sitting him up to eat, laying him down to eat, etc, etc, etc. Today I took him in again to check his weight and after hearing his stomach again (and in the doctor's words, it's sounds like his intensines are in a fight!), he set us up an appointment with a GI doctor and also sent us immediately over to get an abdominal x-ray. So now we are just waiting for the results. So if you would, say a little prayer for our sweet little boy!


The Pitmans said...

so sorry to hear that the poor little guy is having such a hard time....pam claims that charlie cried and didn't eat the entire first year of his life...he had the same symptoms...cramping and screaming (of course back then, doctors just said he'll grow out of it)...til this day, he can't have milk or much dairy for that matter....i hope the GI doc helps you guys out for noah's sake and so you can get some rest!

Dan and Denise said...

So sorry to hear that things have been rough for you guys lately. Keep in mind that EVERY phase your child goes through is temporary. I know that while you're in it, it seems like it will never end, but IT WILL. I hope that you find a solution to Noah's discomfort (and in turn, yours)soon. Good luck to you!

The Utley Crew said...

I've been thinking about you all. Hope you got good news from the test results and it's nothing major. I don't know your entire situation, but we had a similar one with Abby. Every feeding was a nightmare, she was never comfortable enough to nap (even as an infant she would stay awake the entire day, barely napping). I tried to BF, she never would eat or latch on (we even ended up at Children's Hospital for severe dehydration and jaundice when she was a week old), so I decided to pump and feed her that way...still a TOTAL nightmare. I adjusted my diet, nothing helped. Finally when she was about 5-6 weeks old, the Dr. said, 'ok, go buy Dr. Browns bottles, Good Start formula and Tummy Soothers.' We did it and never looked back. Thankfully, it was nothing medical with her, there was just something in my diet that she could NOT tolerate. I know you mentioned trying some lactose free formula, but I didn't know what you were feeding him currently (I know some people thing that Bfing is the only way to go and I know there is lots of pressure to BF, but when everyone is miserable it is not always best...again, don't know if that is the situation, but I know lots of people deal with that and I am very honest about my feelings and our experience with it), so I thought I would share that. I hope he is feeling better soon. :)