Sunday, August 2, 2009

40 weeks +

Well, July 30th has came and passed with no Noah...and now our original due date of August 2nd looks as though even it is going to pass as well! So it looks like my 3 year old nephew, Sam has officially made some money! Haha! Anyways, at my appointment on Friday, I was 2 to 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced. She said my body is doing what it needs to do and she does expect him to come soon, but we did make a plan for an induction. I go back to the doctor's on the Thursday, the 6th to check if everything is still going well. If it is, we will go into the hospital on Sunday, the 9th for more testing and be induced on Monday morning. So, unless he come before, it looks like it will be Happy Birthday to Noah Lee Elder on August 10th! We are so ready to meet this little boy! Hopefully he comes before being induced, but I guess we will just have to wait and see! I just want a healthy little boy and a safe delivery!


The Utz Family said...

Good Luck!

The Mac Pack said...

Uncle Derek might get to see the birth of his nephew afterall...

The Utley Crew said...

Yay! I hope he comes on his own SOON! I've been thinking about you all! I am so excited for your big day! :)

the lewis gang said...

hang in there. he'll be here and you'll miss being pregnant in no time. when you are at the end you always think you won't miss it because you are so ready, but you so do. the day before i was set to be induced my mom said, "enjoy the last day of holding your littlest blessing in your womb." *tear* i hope you enjoy the coming week or however long he stays put. best wishes for a healthy and safe delivery!

Kiersten Hoehn said...

Good Luck! I hope the deliverie or inducment goes okay.